Code of Conduct These are the rules for the 419th: ~No member of this squad shall personally attack another member,we are a team.If you have a problem with another member take it up with them in private,this keeps the problem private,if it is absolutely neccessary,direct a complaint towards a senior officer. ~No racial comments, jokes are jokes,but some take offense to these type of comments ~keep the foul language to a minimum. ~Respect the chain of command, I don't mean snap a salute everytime one of us gets booted from a server,just treat each other with the respect you would want,we are after all in our hearts,pilots, and do enjoy giving each other a rough time every so often. ~No form of cheating will be torlerated in multiplayer sessions. ~Above all else,have fun with the squadron,our goal is to enjoy ourselves.
|  | 419th Tactical Fighter Squadron |